Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Thing # 11 Prezi and Zoomit

This thing was rather difficult for me--I kept losing my information and had to redo my Prezi about twenty times.  I'm sure with a little more experience under my belt I'll find it easier, but this "thing" took me longer than I'd hoped.   Here is a zoomed out screenshot of my prezi:
I embedded a copy on my Faceof the Classroom blog, Literacy Lane, but you can also see it here:

I was also supposed to give a few ways my students might use this tool.  I work with kids in grades 3-5 that are struggling, but with a lot of support, I think we could make vocabulary posters, parts of speech and how-to presentations, character attributes posters--lots of fun things!

The second portion of this "thing" is to capture a screenshot of a zoomed in portion of a content site and talk about how this feature might assist my students with diverse needs.
First for the zoom in:
I can see how the ability to zoom in on parts of websites or presentations can cause some of my kids with ADD and ADHD the ability to focus on just one task at a time on a worksheet.  It would also be of help to kids that forget their glasses or need to have their vision checked.   

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