Monday, December 6, 2010

Thing # 18 Staying Informed With RSS Aggregators

I liked this thing!  I don't follow a lot of blogs yet, but was excited to see there is a way to keep track of everything in one place.  I made an IGOOGLE account and added a few gadgets and changed the theme to cat nap, so it feels like it's mine.  Then I added Google Reader and added subscriptions to some of my personal fun blogs like Nofuratu, The Adventures of a Naked Cat and Sphynx Lair, but then I added our instructor, Ron Houtman's Twitter page and the NCTE professional journal where I already found some articles I wanted to read. We're supposed to take a screen shot of the page and post it showing some of the sites we've subscribed to.  Am not sure what view to have chosen, so I will post a couple views.  I originally had several things to read, but hadn't changed the settings yet and when I scrolled past them they were all marked as read and then it kept showing that I had nothing new to read.  So I went to GoogleReader and took a screenshot of my subscritptions list:
Here's one of the actual IGoogle start page showing the reader with some unread entries:

I've just gotten started on this but I'm excited about it!  It has already begun to change me professionally for the better by allowing me to subscribe to the NCTE journal.  I probably would not have gone to actively seek out the NCTE articles unless I needed something specific.  However, with the articles right in front of me, it was easy to find something to get interested in.  Keeping informed by using this start page and rss aggregator reduces my surfing/catching up with my favorite sites time, thereby increasing my productivity, but even more importantly, inspires me to be a better teacher by keeping me well informed and current with best practices and articles of interest to educators in my field. 

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