Sunday, October 17, 2010

Pondering The Questions Thing # O, Pt. 2

  • What makes a good blog? 
Well, the blogs I've visited that I enjoyed were ones that were about topics that interested me.  They had lots of "things to do" on them--videos, cartoons, links to other sites.  They were visually stimulating as well--their use of graphics and text features made me want to read them.  I was also drawn by provocative titles offered as hooks to have me read further.  One blog in particular offered a feature called "Book of the Week" and offered a historical video of the Holocaust for one selection, and an interview with the author of another.  I really liked that.   
  • How could a blog enhance your existing school web presence?
It would help to increase:
my parent connection--I could post strategies online to help parents know how to help their kids. 
my teacher connection--I could offer resources for strategies, web sites, book reviews.
my student connection --I could post "how to" pod casts , book reviews, highlight student work.
  • Are blogs an easier way for people to self-publish?
Yes!  That is the beauty of the blog.  Like the video we watched pointed out, now the delivery of "news" is open to anyone that wants to publish it by becoming a blogger. 

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