Monday, October 18, 2010

Thing #1

Learning to use the shortcuts increases productivity!

I didn't know most of these things even existed.  I guess I thought all those "extra" keys were there just for decoration--like I am always complaining people think about the turn signals in their cars.  Well, I am now proudly using some of the shortcut formatting keys.

I already knew about the Control C&V shortcuts, but who knew about all these others!  Some of these will really come in handy!  My personal favorite is the Shift F3 one--my fingers are forever accidentally grazing over the caps lock and prior to this class, I spent a goodly amount of time highlighting the text, deleting it, then retyping it.  Shift F3 is now my official hero!

I also like Control A ( to select all), and F7, so I don't have to waste the usual amount of time searching for the icon for spell check (which I can never seem to locate quickly).  And who wouldn't love Control Z--anything that can bring back the dead is tops in my book!  Love the triple clickto highlight an entire paragraph too.

For me, the time --not to even mention the irritation--I spend in the retyping of lost things, redoing mistakes, and generally not using all the tools available to me, has certainly decreased my productivity.  Learning to navigate these unnecessary bumps in my road will save me time, energy and aggravation, and that will only add up to more efficient use of my time and energy.

**Check out my Delicious Bookmark Page--  but for future ease of operation, I posted the link under my "Good Places To Visit" section to your right.

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