Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Thing #3--Skype Contol Panel

Whew!  I listened to the tutorial.  I set up my Skype Account.  I added Ron as a contact since I am supposed to send him "a message".   I am assuming that he means an instant message, as it's 10:33 PM and I am sitting on the couch in my living room with my night gown on-- which wouldn't be so bad if it were a nice nightgown <sarcastic snicker> or if my hair wasn't sticking out... or my house wasn't a mess.  Ahhhh...the PERILS of being in the 21st century!  Anyway, the charge was to create an account <check>, send some kind of mystery message to Ron <check>, take a screenshot of the control panel <check--I THINK> and then post it here <check>.
So now presenting for your enjoyment...  my Skype Control Panel!
I am intrigued by the possibility of bringing outside "experts" into my sessions with kids and colleagues as well.  I'd love to be able to skype with an author we'd been studying, or be able to forge some friendships and video opportunities with different classrooms in other places in the world.  How exciting it would be to talk to someone in a geographical area we were studying, or checking in with a parent in the military or one of my students on vacation!   

I am a little leery about the backchannel thing--I'm not a believer with that yet--I worry about too much distraction for me to maintain focus--but from what I read, that comes with practice.  I will have to watch the recording as I have a meeting that will prevent me from attending the online session tomorrow, so I can't try it out on staff meeting maybe?  Would for sure have to explain that I am not doing something else, that I AM paying attention and actually taking notes.  I hope someone that tried it will comment and let me know how it worked for them.
Sleep gooodnight Elizabeth...goodnight Johnboy...goodnight techies!

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