Friday, November 5, 2010

Thing #5, Part 4: Vozme

This is just way too cool:

Well, using vozme was a breeze--way easier than some of the other text to speech or text to MP3 tools I've looked at.  I am so excited about this capability that I can hardly wait to start using on kids.  I planted the seed idea with a couple of parents who stopped in to see me looking for ways they can help their kids be successful at home.  We spent a bit of time looking at some of the free materials available on the web, and they went home feeling like they had somewhere to go that didn't break the bank and might offer some hope of success for their kids.  I was thrilled to be able to pass on some of the resources I've gathered already from this class and have also presented some of them in our last PD session.  The ability to convert text to speech is an exciting one--but I have blogged about this feature several times already, so I will not belabor the point, for fear this particular chatterbump might become an elephant hole.  LOL.  I have no idea if the try me link check it out!

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