Sunday, November 7, 2010

Thing # 6 Bogus Site #2

The next bogus site I evaluated was a lot easier to debunk.  The title of the site is and you can find it here:

First of all you have to look at content--obviously dehydrated water is nothing.  So to pay money for it is ridiculous to begin with. 

Then continue to look at some of the other pages offered on the site.  I particularly liked this one about franchise opportunities.

And what could be a better benefit package than this:

I think that pretty much took care of Authority/Credibility, and if I somehow still hadn't figured it out, Google leads me only to sites about detection of bogus websites.

Bias/Purpose was pretty obviously written to call attention to our wasteful ways with the envionment--we can't buy our natural resources. 
Navigation and ease of use wasn't really a factor here--the authors of this site made little attempt to veil the satire here.
I enjoyed this site--had quite a few bellylaughs over it, but I would bet money on the fact that kids and sadly, even some adults, would think this was real.

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