Friday, November 5, 2010

Thing #5 Part Three: Learnport/ Net Trekker

The task at hand was to create an account with Learnport and use Net Trekker's readability tools to locate materials at three different levels.  I went to and used the very convenient feature of just having to type in the URL to three different sites and it automatically determined the readability of the selections.
I looked up the topic "bald eagles" and subsequently typed in the URL's to three seperate sites that I found on Google.  The first two sites I went to were too difficult for the bulk of my 3rd graders, but could be used with my more advanced students:

The readability of these two sites was 6th and 7th grades respectively.

The third site was:
This site was just right for my struggling learners, scoring late second grade/early third grade readability.
Again, this was a time saving option when attempting to amass materials for a UDL lesson--I especially liked the ability to just type in the URL and have it done for me.  I can just go directly from Google to the reabability tool and get the levels I need.  I can see me using this for myself, but also sharing it with the teachers I coach.  We do research reports in all three grades in my building, and finding appropriate materials to use is sometimes an issue.  If each teacher added site links with readability scales to our school and student share drive, I believe we could make a nice resource available to us all.  

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