Sunday, November 7, 2010

Two Activites I'd Use To Teach Digital Citizenship In My Setting

In one of our future parent nights at my elementary school, I'd like to do a presentation for parents and their children using the Core Rules of Netiquette and the Netiquette Quiz.  I really like the way they are written in easy-to-understand language, making the information accessible to elementary school aged kids and parents that may not be very computer savvy. 
On the following parent night, I'd like to show the video on cyberbullying .  This is a little sophisticated for most of the kids in my building, but it might be very appropriate for the parents of our 5th graders and maybe even the 4th graders too.  I'm not sure that our parents are aware of how big of a problem cyberbullying is.  My hometown is a small, rural one, and we are sometimes lured into a false sense of security because of that--but the reality is that a lot of our kids have cell phones and might very well be engaging in this behaviour without our even knowing it.  To ruin a child's life, or God forbid, have one take his life over something like this is unacceptable.  We need to educate each other and make sure our kids use the Internet responsively.
This thing was an excellent exercise for me and it was certainly thought provoking. I'm glad it was included in this course.

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