Sunday, November 14, 2010

Thing #7 Lesson Using One of the Things

I chose to design my lesson based Thing #5's theme of differentiated learning.  My learning target for this third grade ELA lesson on fables is from the Michigan GLCE:
R.NT.03.03 identify and describe characters’ thoughts and motivations, story level themes (good vs. evil), main idea, and lesson/moral (fable).

I would provide the following materials:
 Multiple copies of the book Fables by Arthur Loebel
Chinese Fables website (featuring text to speech features)

I would ask the kids to choose an activity to demonstrate their understanding of the fable. Whatever activity they choose must demonstrate their understanding of the characters and their motivation for doing what they did, the theme and the moral of the fable.  Finally, they would also be responsible for demonstrating that they have given some thought to what the fable they chose tells about the culture of the people who created it. 
What does it indicate they value or fear or dislike?

Options for the activities could include making a story board, a mind map, a drawing, a song, a conversation with me,  a graphic organizer, a video or any other type of product that satisfies the requirements and demonstrates their understanding of the fable.

I feel that I tried to anticipate barriers in both the input and the product delivery for kids with different abilities and preferred modes of learning.

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