Sunday, November 14, 2010

Thing #8-- Copyright Quiz and Licensing My Face of the Classroom Blog

Here is a copy of the copyright quiz I made for my colleagues:

Copyright and Fair Use Quiz
True or false:
_____1. We can purchase a video and show it to the kids during rainy day recess without breaking the copyright law.
_____2. I can use movie clips in my classroom to teach a lesson on grammar .
_____3. I can use the videotape I recorded from the local news showing Obama taking the oath of office for the next ten years in my history instruction.
_____4. I can legally copy and show the entire video of Bill Nye The Science Guy in my classroom for a period of three years after making the copy.
_____5. I can show a portion of Gone With The Wind showing the burning of Atlanta to my students while we’re studying the Civil War?
_____6. Copyrighted material used in multimedia projects may remain in the student's portfolio forever.
_____7. Internet pages are automatically copyrighted.
_____8. I can use copyrighted images I got from an online source in a research report.
_____9. "Seinfeld" has an episode on personal hygiene that a health teacher tapes and uses the following week in class. The local television station denies permission when asked and states this is a violation of copyright law. They are correct.
______10. A media aide tapes "60 Minutes" every week in case teachers need it. This is fair use.

1)F  2)T  3)F  4)T  5)T  6)T  7)T  8)T  9)F  10)F

I will run off a copy of the quiz and put it in the lounge, but I already know that no one will do well on it, as I had occasion to ask everyone about copyright issues a few weeks ago to answer a question I had about something I wanted to add to a website and not one single staff member was able to answer me.  Everyone said they "didn't have a clue" when it comes to copyright issues.  I will post the results from the quiz if I can get anyone to take it. 

***Update:  Just as I thought, the few folks that took it BOMBED it.  I think this whole thing is difficult to understand and just hope I haven't broken any of the copyright laws myself....

Speaking of which, I licensed my Face of the Classroom blog this afternoon--here's a screen capture of my license:

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